Czech dictionary

Czech Čeština
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á č ď é ě í ň ó ř š ť ú ů ý ž
English > Czech translation

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Czech > English translation

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Nechybujte: Slovník současné češtiny, dictionary of the Czech language

Pravidla českého pravopisu: spelling dictionary: spelling dictionary

Slovník českých synonym: synonyms & antonyms dictionary

Lingea: Czech-English dictionary & multilingual

Seznam: Czech-English dictionary & German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian (+ audio) Czech-English dictionary & German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Russian

Volny: Czech-English dictionary & German, French

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

dictionary of foreign words: Latin, English…

online translation: Czech-English & other languages: text & web page

Loecsen: Czech-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Czech-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Czech-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Genealogical world list: Czech-English vocabulary

Shtooka: Czech words, with translation (audio)

MyCzechRepublic: some Czech proverbs with English translation

Cojeco: Czech encyclopaedia

Česko-anglický slovník (Czech-English dictionary) by Ivan Poldauf (1959) online

Dictionnaire tchèque-français: Czech-French dictionary, by Gaspard Faster (1875)

Allgemeines Handwörterbuch der böhmischen und deutschen sprache: Czech-German dictionary, by Josef Rank (1912)

Deutsch-böhmisch: German-Czech dictionary

Českoněmecký slovník (Böhmischdeutsches Wörterbuch): Czech-German dictionary, by Jan Herzer (1909)

A-O - P-R - S-Ž

Německo-český slovník: German-Czech dictionary, by Pavel Jozef Šafárik (1853)

Slovník česko-německý: German-Czech dictionary, by Josef Jungmann (1835)

A-J - K-O - P-R - S-U - V-Z

Deutsch-böhmisches Wörterbuch: German-Czech dictionary, by Jozef Dobrovský (1802)

A-N - L-Z

Vollständiges Wörterbuch der böhmisch- deutsch- und lateinischen Sprachen: Czech-German-Latin dictionary, by František Jan Tomsa (1791)

L'adaptation phonologique des emprunts : le cas des gallicismes gastronomiques en tchèque, by Tomáš Duběda, in Écho des études romanes (2015)

Le vocabulaire tchèque en Grande-Bretagne pendant la guerre (Czech vocabulary in Great Britain during the Second World War) by Marc Vey, in Revue des études slaves (1946)

L'argot tchèque du camp de Buchenwald (Czech slang of the Buchenwald camp) by Georges Straka, in Revue des études slaves (1946)

Czech language

Czech keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Czech alphabet

Sklonuj: online noun declension

Local Lingo: Czech course, grammar, pronunciation (+ audio), vocabulary

Université de Nancy: Czech course, pronunciation (+ audio)

Jazyková příručka: Czech grammar & verbs conjugation, nouns declension (in Czech)

Nechybujte: grammatica češtiny, Czech grammar

Na co se nás často ptáte: Czech grammar, the most frequent errors

Czech by František Daneš & Světla Čmejrková, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)

Tschechisch: Czech by Dušan Šlosar, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

Possessives and their equivalents in English and Czech, comparative study, by Ludmila Veselovská (2014)

Czech clitics in higher order grammar by Jirka Hana (2004)

Czech clitics in higher order grammar, thesis (2007)

Functions of the Czech reflexive marker se/si by Ondřej Svoboda (2014)

Aspect in English and Czech by Michal Pauer (2002)

Czech, an essential grammar [PDF] by James Naughton (2005)

Czech [PDF] grammar by Laura Jandaand & Charles Townsend (2000)

A Grammar of Czech as a foreign language, by Karel Tahal (2010)

Grammar of the Bohemian or Czech language by William Morfill (1899)

Česká mluvnice: Czech grammar, by Jan Slavomír Tomíček (1858)

Lehrbuch der böhmischen Sprache: handbook of the Czech language, by Johann Tomíček (1859)

Lehrgebäude der böhmischen Sprache: handbook of the Czech language, by Josef Dobrovský (1819)

Grammatika cili, mluwníce ceského gazyka, by Josef Dobrovský & Václav Hanka (1831)

Böhmische Sprachlehre by František Jan Tomsa (1782)

Jana Blahoslawa Grammatika Česká: Czech grammar, by Jan Blahoslav (1571, 1857 edition)

Grāmatyka Cžeska: grammar of Náměšť : Ortographia by Beneš Optát, Petr Gzel & Etymologia, by Václav Philomathes (1533) first Czech grammar

Orthographia Bohemica, Ortografie česká, attributed to Jan Hus (16th century) in Latin & translation into Czech, by Alois Vojtěch Šembera (1857)


Hospodářské noviny - Lidové noviny (newspapers)

Český rozhlas: Czech radios to listen online

Radio Prague (international): news in Czech & English

Google news (zprávy)

Texts & Literature

LyrikLine: poems in Czech, with translation (+ audio)

History of Bohemian literature by Francis Lützow (1907)

The language of the old Czech legenda O Svaté Katěrině by George Cummins (1975)

Biblj české or Bible kralická (Kralice Bible) (1579) & 1593 edition

Sob : Czech translation sof the Bible & other languages

Nová Bible Kralická (new translation)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Všichni lidé rodí se svobodní a sobě rovní co do důstojnosti a práv.
Jsou nadáni rozumem a svědomím a mají spolu jednat v duchu bratrství.

Všeobecná deklarace lidských práv: translation into Czech (+ audio)

First article in different languages

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Czech, Slovak & other languages

Some Czech words
ahoj ! hello!  
dobrý den ! good morning!
dobrou noc ! good night! [nots]
na shledanou ! good bye!
prosím ! please!
děkuji ! thank you!     ě is pronunced: [ye]
Czech names

first names: list & name days

surnames: origin & the most common surnames


books about the Czech language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

books & studies about the Czech literature: Google books | Internet archive | Academia

James Naughton's pages: Czech & Slovak language & literature

Czechia: maps, symboles & documents

Slovak - Polish - Russian

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2024