• Nechybujte: Slovník současné češtiny, dictionary of the Czech language
• Pravidla českého pravopisu: spelling dictionary: spelling dictionary
• Slovník českých synonym: synonyms & antonyms dictionary
• Lingea: Czech-English dictionary & multilingual
• Seznam: Czech-English dictionary & German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian (+ audio)
• Slovnik.cz: Czech-English dictionary & German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Russian
• Volny: Czech-English dictionary & German, French
• Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)
• dictionary of foreign words: Latin, English…
→ online translation: Czech-English & other languages: text & web page
• Loecsen: Czech-English common phrases (+ audio)
• Goethe-Verlag: Czech-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)
• LingoHut: Czech-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)
• Genealogical world list: Czech-English vocabulary
• Shtooka: Czech words, with translation (audio)
• MyCzechRepublic: some Czech proverbs with English translation
• Cojeco: Czech encyclopaedia
• Česko-anglický slovník (Czech-English dictionary) by Ivan Poldauf (1959)
• Dictionnaire tchèque-français: Czech-French dictionary, by Gaspard Faster (1875)
• Allgemeines Handwörterbuch der böhmischen und deutschen sprache: Czech-German dictionary, by Josef Rank (1912)
• Deutsch-böhmisch: German-Czech dictionary
• Českoněmecký slovník (Böhmischdeutsches Wörterbuch): Czech-German dictionary, by Jan Herzer (1909)
• Německo-český slovník: German-Czech dictionary, by Pavel Jozef Šafárik (1853)
• Slovník česko-německý: German-Czech dictionary, by Josef Jungmann (1835)
• Deutsch-böhmisches Wörterbuch: German-Czech dictionary, by Jozef Dobrovský (1802)
• Vollständiges Wörterbuch der böhmisch- deutsch- und lateinischen Sprachen: Czech-German-Latin dictionary, by František Jan Tomsa (1791)
• L'adaptation phonologique des emprunts : le cas des gallicismes gastronomiques en tchèque, by Tomáš Duběda, in Écho des études romanes (2015)
• Le vocabulaire tchèque en Grande-Bretagne pendant la guerre (Czech vocabulary in Great Britain during the Second World War) by Marc Vey, in Revue des études slaves (1946)
• L'argot tchèque du camp de Buchenwald (Czech slang of the Buchenwald camp) by Georges Straka, in Revue des études slaves (1946)
→ Czech keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Czech alphabet
• Sklonuj: online noun declension
• Local Lingo: Czech course, grammar, pronunciation (+ audio), vocabulary
• Université de Nancy: Czech course, pronunciation (+ audio)
• Jazyková příručka: Czech grammar & verbs conjugation, nouns declension (in Czech)
• Nechybujte: grammatica češtiny, Czech grammar
• Na co se nás často ptáte: Czech grammar, the most frequent errors
• Czech by František Daneš & Světla Čmejrková, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)
• Tschechisch: Czech by Dušan Šlosar, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)
• Possessives and their equivalents in English and Czech, comparative study, by Ludmila Veselovská (2014)
• Czech clitics in higher order grammar by Jirka Hana (2004)
• Czech clitics in higher order grammar, thesis (2007)
• Functions of the Czech reflexive marker se/si by Ondřej Svoboda (2014)
• Aspect in English and Czech by Michal Pauer (2002)
• Czech, an essential grammar [PDF] by James Naughton (2005)
• Czech [PDF] grammar by Laura Jandaand & Charles Townsend (2000)
• A Grammar of Czech as a foreign language, by Karel Tahal (2010)
• Grammar of the Bohemian or Czech language by William Morfill (1899)
• Česká mluvnice: Czech grammar, by Jan Slavomír Tomíček (1858)
• Lehrbuch der böhmischen Sprache: handbook of the Czech language, by Johann Tomíček (1859)
• Lehrgebäude der böhmischen Sprache: handbook of the Czech language, by Josef Dobrovský (1819)
• Grammatika cili, mluwníce ceského gazyka, by Josef Dobrovský & Václav Hanka (1831)
• Böhmische Sprachlehre by František Jan Tomsa (1782)
• Jana Blahoslawa Grammatika Česká: Czech grammar, by Jan Blahoslav (1571, 1857 edition)
• Grāmatyka Cžeska: grammar of Náměšť : Ortographia by Beneš Optát, Petr Gzel & Etymologia, by Václav Philomathes (1533) first Czech grammar
• Orthographia Bohemica, Ortografie česká, attributed to Jan Hus (16th century) in Latin & translation into Czech, by Alois Vojtěch Šembera (1857)
• Hospodářské noviny - Lidové noviny (newspapers)
• Český rozhlas: Czech radios to listen online
• Radio Prague (international): news in Czech & English
• Google news (zprávy)
• LyrikLine: poems in Czech, with translation (+ audio)
• History of Bohemian literature by Francis Lützow (1907)
• The language of the old Czech legenda O Svaté Katěrině by George Cummins (1975)
• Biblj české or Bible kralická (Kralice Bible) (1579) & 1593 edition
• Sob : Czech translation sof the Bible & other languages
• Nová Bible Kralická (new translation)
Všichni lidé rodí se svobodní a sobě rovní co do důstojnosti a práv.
Jsou nadáni rozumem a svědomím a mají spolu jednat v duchu bratrství.
• Všeobecná deklarace lidských práv: translation into Czech (+ audio)
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Czech, Slovak & other languages
ahoj ! | hello! |
dobrý den ! | good morning! |
dobrou noc ! | good night! [nots] |
na shledanou ! | good bye! |
prosím ! | please! |
děkuji ! | thank you! ě is pronunced: [ye] |
• first names: list & name days
• surnames: origin & the most common surnames
• books about the Czech language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia
• books & studies about the Czech literature: Google books | Internet archive | Academia
• James Naughton's pages: Czech & Slovak language & literature
→ Czechia: maps, symboles & documents