Estonian dictionary

Estonian Eesti
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Estonian > English dictionary

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English > Estonian translation

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Eesti keele instituut: Estonian dictionaries

Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat: dictionary of the Estonian language

Eesti etümoloogiasõnaraamat: Estonian etymological dictionary

Eesti õigekeelsussõnaraamat: Estonian orthographical dictionary (2006)

Sünonüümisõnastik: dictionary of synonyms

Esimene eesti slängi sõnaraamat: slang dictionary, by Mai Loog (1990)

Estonian-English dictionary

Estonian-Russian dictionary

Estonian-Latvian & Latvian-Estonian dictionary

Lingea: Estonian-English dictionary & multilingual

Ibs: Estonian-English dictionary

Aare: Estonian-English dictionary

Iate: multilingual terminological dictionary (European Union)

Gdef: Estonian-French dictionary

Hippocrene concise dictionary: Estonian-English & English-Estonian dictionary, by Ksana Kyiv & Oleg Benyuch (1992) online

Loecsen: Estonian-English common phrases (+ audio)

Goethe-Verlag: Estonian-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio)

LingoHut: Estonian-English vocabulary by topics (+ audio)

Eesti keele instituut: country names in Estonian

Hiiumaa kohanimed: the origins of the place names of the island of Hiiumaa, by Marja Kallasmaa (2010)

Saaremaa kohanimed: the origins of the place names of the island of Saaremaa (1996)

Ehstnisch-deutsches Wörterbuch: Estonian-German dictionary, by Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann (1869)

Aus dem inneren und äusseren Leben der Ehsten: Estonian proverbs, with translation into German (1876) + text version

Võro-eesti synaraamat: dictionary of the dialect of Võru, (southeast of Estonia)

The origins of stems of standard Estonian by Sven-Erik Soosaar, in Trames (2013)

Die alten baltischen Lehnwörter im neuen estnischen etymologischen Wörterbuch: the old Baltic loanwords in the new Estonian etymological dictionary, by Santeri Junttila, in Baltu filoloģija (2014)

Estonian language - Eesti keel

Estonian keyboard to type a text with the special characters of the Estonian alphabet

Cooljugator: Estonian verb conjugator

The Estonian language, in Estonica (WaybackMachine)

Orthography and pronunciation

17th century Estonian orthography reform: the teaching of reading and the history of ideas, by Aivar Põldvee, in Trames (2011) NEW

Estonian language by Urmas Sutrop (2004)

Estonian language, edited by Mati Erelt (2007) NEW

Estonian by Mati Erelt, in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2010)

Estnisch by Eberhard Winkler, in Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (2002)

L'état de la langue estonienne (the state of the Estonian language at the beginning of the 21st century) by Birute Klaas-Lang, in Études finno-ougriennes (2012)

Langues « dominantes » et identités nationales dans les États baltes par Michel Cabouret, in Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français (1998)

Immense Estonie : les leçons sociolinguistiques d'un « petit pays »: application de la sémiotique narrative à la sociologie du langage, by Jean-Léo Léonard, in La Bretagne linguistique (2022)

Eesti keele käsiraamat (handbook of the Estonian language) by Mati Erelt, Tiiu Erelt, Kristiina Ross (2020) s

studies about the Estonian language, by Helle Metslang

General comparison of Estonian and Finnish (2009)

The use of the indefinite pronoun keegi ("someone") in Estonian dialects, by Hanna Pook & Liina Lindström, in Nordic Journal of Linguistics (2022)

La réalisation zéro du pronom sujet de première et de deuxième personne du singulier en finnois et en estonien parlés, by Outi Duvallon & Antoine Chalvin, in Linguistica Uralica (2004)

Tegeliku Eesti foneetika alged: study of the Estonian phonology, by Andrus Saareste (Albert Saaberk) (1920)

Murdesõnad Põhja-Eestist: North Estonian dialects (1921)

Grammatik der ehstnischen Sprache: Grammar of the Estonian language (particularly Central Estonia), by Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann (1875)

Grammatik der ehstnischen Sprache revalschen Dialektes: Grammar of the Estonian language of the Reval (Talinn) dialect, by Eduard Ahrens (1853): I & II

Grammatica Esthonica: Estonian grammar, by Johann Hornung (1782)

Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri, Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics

books & papers about the Estonian language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia


Eesti Päevaleht - Postimees - Aripaev: newspapers

Eesti Raadio: online radio


Kalevipoja laul
Kalevipoeg by Oskar Kallis (1914)

Texts & Literature

Digar (National Library of Estonia): online books

Eeva: digital text repository for older Estonian literature

Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum (Estonian Literary Museum): Estonian literature & folklore

Kreutzwaldi sajand: Kreutzwald's century & the Kalevipoeg (online texts)

LyrikLine: poems in Estonian, with translation (+ audio)

Estonian literature: texts in Estonian & translation into French

Väike Prints: translation of The Little Prince of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Kalewi poeg, üks ennemuistene Eesti jut, by Friedrich Kreutzwald (1862)

Kalewipoeg, eine estnische Sage: bilingual text, Estonian & translation into German by Carl Reinthal & Georg Bertram (1857): I-III & IV: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Kalewipoeg oder die Abenteuer des Kalewiden: translation into German, by Conrad Christian Israël (1873)

Die Abenteuer des Kalewiden, esthnischnes Volksmärchen: translation into German, by Julius Grosse (1875)

The Kalevide: translation into English, by Lou Goble (1982) online

Kalevipoeg studies: the creation and reception of an epic, by Cornelius Hasselblatt (2016)

Kalevipoeg, the Estonian national epic: its sources and inception, by Madis Arukask, in The voice of the people, writing the European folk revival, 1760-1914 (2012)

Kalevipoeg: The Kalev's son (poeg: son).

Valitud eesti rahvalaulud: Estonian folk songs, by Andrus Saareste (1922)

Eesti wanemad laulikud: Estonian folk songs, by Joh Kunder (1890)

Eesti laulik: Estonian folk songs (1860)

Die augsburgische Confession: the Augsburg Confession (Lutherian Church) in German, Latin, Estonian, Latvian (1830) Estonian translation of the Bible

bilingual Bible Estonian, English & other languages

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Kõik inimesed sünnivad vabadena ja võrdsetena oma väärikuselt ja õigustelt.
Neile on antud mõistus ja südametunnistus ja nende suhtumist üksteisesse peab kandma vendluse vaim.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Estonian, Finnish, English & other languages

First article in different languages

Estonia - Eesti

Estonia: maps, symbols, heritage & documents

Finnish language

Xavier Nègre   © Lexilogos 2002-2024