• Pūrṇṇacandra oḍiā bhāshākosha: Oriya-English dictionary, by Gopal Chandra Praharaj (1931)
or scanned book: Préface - voyelles - Ka-Ua - Cha-Tha - Da-Pa - Pha-Ma - Ja-Sha - Sa-Ha
• Conversational Oriya by Debi Prasanna Pattanayak & Gaganendra Nath Dash (1972) (Latin script)
→ Oriya keyboard to type a text wih the Oriya script
• The origin and development of Odia script by Bijayalaxmi Dash, in International Journal of Research in engineering, science and management (2020)
• The Oriya script: origin, development and sources, by Saraju Rath, in Heritage India (2012)
• the evolution of Oriya language and script by Kunjabihari Tripathi (1963)
• The parameters of aspect for Oḍia by Bibhuti Bhusan Mahapatra, in Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes (2015)
• The syntax of definiteness in Oriya by Kalyanamalini Sahoo, in The Year Book of South Asian languages & linguistics (1999)
• Oriya nominal forms: a finite state processing (2003)
• A syncronic grammar of Oriya, standard spoken and written, by Bijay Prasad Pahapatra (2007)
• Classical Odia by Debi Prasanna Pattanayak (2013)
• Oriya grammar by Ebenezer Hallam (1874)
• A practical handbook of the Uriya or Óḍiyá language, by Thomas Maltby (1874)
• A practical grammar of the Odhra language by Lingam Lakshmaji Pandit (1869)
• Introductory grammar of the Oriya language by Amos Sutton (1831)
The Oriya language is spoken in the state of Orissa. It's closed to the Bengali.
ଓଡ଼ିଆ oṛiā
• LyrikLine: poems in Oriya, with translation (+ audio)
• History of Oriya literature by Mayadhar Mansinha (1960)
• A brief history of Oriya literature by Kunjabihari Tripathy (1972)
• Translation in Odia: a historical overview, by Aditya Kumar Panda, in The history of translation in India (2017)
• History of Odia translations (1803-1936): a bottom-up approach, by Ramesh Malik & Panchanan Mohanty, in The history of translation in India (2017)
• The power of translation: a survey of translation in Orissa, by Diptiranjan Pattanaik, in Changing the terms: translating in the postcolonial era (2000)
• English against Englishing: the case of an early English translation of an Oriya novel, by Himansu Mohapatra, in East-West Encounters (2010)
• Translating against the grain: the case of an Oriya adaptation of Charles Dickens's A tale of two cities, by Jatindra Nayak & Himansu Mohapatra, in Translation and Postcolonialism: India (1997)
• Typical selections from Oriya literature by Bijay Chandra Mazumdar (1921)
• Tracts in the Oriya language (1843): I & - II - III
ସବୁ ମନୁଷ୍ୟ ଜନ୍ମକାଳରୁ ସ୍ୱାଧୀନ | ସେମାନଙ୍କର ମର୍ଯ୍ୟାଦା ଓ ଅଧିକାର ସମାନ |
ସେମାନଙ୍କଠାରେ ପିଜ୍ଞା ଓ ବିବେକ ନିହିତ ଅଛି | ସେମାନେ ପ୍ରସ୍ପର ପ୍ରତି ଭାତୃଭାବ ଘୋଷଣା କରି କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରିବା ଦରକାର |
• Universal Declaration of Human Rights ମାନବିକ ଅଧିକାର ସମ୍ପର୍କରେ ବିଶ୍ୱଜନୀନ ଘୋଷଣା traduction en oriya
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