Ancient Hebrew dictionary

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Ancient Hebrew & Biblical Hebrew

Student's vocabulary for biblical Hebrew and Aramaic by Larry Mitchel (1984)

Building Biblical Hebrew vocabulary, learning words by frequency and cognate, by George Landes (2001) online

Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament by Francis Brown, Samuel Rolles Driver, Charles Briggs, after the works of Wilhelm Gesenius (1906)

Hebrew-English pocket-dictionary to the Old Testament by Karl Feyerabend

English-Hebrew lexicon, being a complete verbal index to Gesenius' Hebrew lexicon, by Edward Robinson & Joseph Lewis Potter (1877)

English and Hebrew lexicon by Selig Newman (1832)

Hebrew vocabularies, lists of the most frequently occurring Hebrew words, by William Harper (1898)

A concise dictionary of Hebrew philosophical terms by Abraham Heschel (1941)

Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi and the Midrashic literature, by Marcus Jastrow (1903)

א-כ - ל-ת

Hebräisches und aramäisches Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament: Hebrew and Aramaic dictionary of the Old Testament, in German, by Eduard König (1910)

Dictionnaire hébreu-français: Hebrew-French dictionary, by Nathaniel Sander & Isaac Trenel (1859)

Dictionnaire hébreu-français: Hebrew-French dictionary, by Marchand Ennery (1827)

Dictionnaire hébraïque, contenant toutes les origines des mots hébreux tant primitifs que dérivez du vieux Testament avec des observations philologiques et théologiques, by Edward Leigh (1712)

Racines hébraïques sans points-voyelles ou Dictionaire hébraïque par racines (Hebrew roots) by Charles-François Houbigant (1732)

Glossaire hébreu-français du XIIIe siècle : recueil de mots hébreux bibliques avec traduction française, by Mayer Lambert & Louis Brandin (1905)

Dictionum hebraicarum, quæ universo סֵפֶר תְּהִלִּים continentur, syllabus gemini (Hebrew-Latin glossary of the Sepher tehillim, Book of Psalms) by Paul Toussain (1615)

American Heritage dictionary: Semitic roots

Shoroshim: English thesaurus of Hebrew verb roots, compiled by Reuven Brauner (2014)

The significance of etymology for the interpretation of ancient writings, from the Hebrew Bible to the New Testament, by Alexander Militarev, in The Jewish conundrum in world history (2010)

De l'analysibilité des racines de l'hébreu biblique by Jonas Sibony, thesis (2013)

Odeurs, souffle et sacré en hébreu classique : décryptage d'un réseau sémantique, in Bulletin d'études orientales (2016)

Le nom des langues dans la Bible et la tradition hébraïque, (the name of the languages in the Bible and in Hebrew) by Sophie Kessler-Mesguich, in Histoire, épistémologie, langage (2009)

ʿAretz et la sémantique de la terre (semantic of "earth") by Azzan Yadin, in Les Cahiers du judaïsme (2011)

« Vivre », « cœur » (comparative etymological study of "to live", "heart") by Abraham Tabachovitz, in Vox romanica (1959)

« Homme », « femme » (comparative etymological study of "man", "woman") (1960)

L'emploi métaphorique des noms de parties du corps en hébreu et en akkadien (metamophoric use of the body parts name in Hebrew and Akkadian) by Édouard Dhorme (1963) online

Hebrew language

Hebrew keyboard to type a text with the Hebrew script

Transliterated Hebrew keyboard to type a text with the Latin script

Ladino keyboard to type a text with the Rashi script

Dicta: analytical tools for Hebrew texts

Nakdan: online tool to add diacritics of the Hebrew alphabet (nikudot)

Hebrew for Christians: Hebrew grammar, alphabet

Hebrew alphabet: writing & pronunciation (+ audio)

Historical linguistics of Biblical Hebrew, an outline, by Ronald Hendel (2010)

A grammar for Biblical Hebrew by William Barrick & Irvin Busenitz (2004)

Beginning Biblical Hebrew by Mark Futato (2003)

A new grammar of Biblical Hebrew by Frederic Clarke Putnam (2010)

Teach yourself Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew) by Roland Harrison (1955)

New perspectives in Biblical and Rabbinic Hebrew, edited by Aaron Hornkohl & Khan Geoffrey (2021)

Studies in Semitic vocalisation and reading traditions (2020)

Studies in Rabbinic Hebrew, edited by Shai Heijman (2020)

The Tiberian pronunciation tradition of Biblical Hebrew by Geoffrey Khan (2020): I & II

studies about the Hebrew language, by Benjamin Suchard

The development of the Biblical Hebrew vowels, thesis (2016)

studies about the Hebrew language, by Ian Young

Late Biblical Hebrew and Hebrew inscriptions (2003)

studies about the Hebrew language, by Bo Isaksson

The importance of word order for the Biblical Hebrew verbal system (2015)

A Biblical Hebrew reference grammar by Christo van der Merwe (1999) online

A grammar of Biblical Hebrew by Joshua Blau (1976) online

Hebrew for theologians: a textbook for the study of Biblical Hebrew in relation to Hebrew thinking, by Jacques Doukhan (1993) online

A practical grammar for Classical Hebrew by Jacob Weingreen (1959) online

Introductory Hebrew method and manual by William Harper, revised by John Smith (1959)

Introductory Hebrew method and manual by William Harper (1910)

Gesenius' Hebrew grammar revised by Emil Katuzcsh & Arthur Cowley (1910)

Illustrations of Gesenius' Hebrew grammar with vocabularies, by Robert Dick Wilson (1908)

Hebraïsche Grammatik: Hebrew grammar by Wilhelm Gesenius & Emil Kautzsch (1909)

Hebrew grammar for beginners by Robert Dick Wilson (1908)

Hebrew grammar by Charles Travers Wood (1913)

Handbook to Old Testament Hebrew by Samuel Green (1921)

Hebrew grammar, outline of the natural system of the language for the students and ministers, by Archibald Duff (1901)

Manual of Hebrew grammar by Josephus David Wijnkoop (1898)

Practical introductory Hebrew grammar by Edwin Cone Bissell (1891)

Grammar of the Hebrew language by William Green (1888): I & II

Practical Hebrew grammar & Hebrew chrestomathy, by Solomon Deutsch (1868)

Grammar of the Hebrew language by Hyman Hurwitz (1835)

A manual Hebrew grammar for the use of beginners, by Joshua Seixas (1834)

Grammaire de l'hébreu biblique by Paul Joüon (1947)

Elements of Hebrew syntax by an inductive method, by William Harper (1908)

Manual of Hebrew syntax by Josephus David Wijnkoop (1897)

Hebrew syntax by Andrew Bruce Davidson (1896)

Notes on Hebrew syntax by Robert Dick Wilson (1892)

Syntax of the Hebrew language of the Old Testament, by Heinrich Ewald (1891)

A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions, by Samuel Rolles Driver (1892)

A short account of the Hebrew tenses by Robert Hatch Kennett (1901)

Historische Grammatik der hebraischen Sprache des alten Testamentes: historical grammar of the Hebrew language of the Old Testament, by Paul Kahle (1922)

The study of Mishnaic Hebrew, some historical milestones, by Sophie Kessler-Mesguich (2003)

Lehrbuch der neuhebräischen Sprache und Litteratur: Handbook of the Neo-Hebrew language and literature, by Carl Siegfried & Hermann Strack (1884)

Die Sprache der Mischnah: The language of the Mishna, by Leopold Dukes (1846)

Lehrbuch & Lesebuch zur Sprache der Mischnah: Handbook of the language of the Mishna, by Abraham Geiger (1845)

books & papers about the Hebrew language: Google books | Internet archive | Academia | Wikipedia

Texts & Literature

Sefaria: Torah & Classical rabbinic literature Torah & Classical rabbinic literature

HebrewBooks: Classical Hebrew books

Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) & biblical dictionary Hebrew-English

The Bible in original version: online search tools

The Talmud

The spirit of Hebrew poetry by Johann Herder (1833): I & II

Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews by Robert Lowth (1847 edition)

De sacra poesi Hebræorum (1753)

Modern Hebrew

Samaritan language

Yiddish language

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